I Am Sam Report

  1. Dynamic characters.

There are a couple of compelling characters that are kind of fun to see grow and become exactly what you want them to be or do exactly what you want them to do. Like Rita, the lawyer who at first only helps Sam to help her image then learns many things from him as she watches him grow and fight for his daughter


  1. Use of music in the movie.

The music in this music is used wonderfully, full of the beetle’s remakes. They somehow found music from one band, and one band only that works for every scenario. You’d be surprised how much music affects the scene, due to the constant silence if not. In I Am Sam they play sad music very quietly in the background. If you watch the office, you would see what a film would be like without any music, and they use piccolo and flutes to express a lot of emotion, like when Sam was in a hurry, so it was fast tempo


  1. Three parts of I am same.

This movie is unique because it went through 3 hard stages. In the first stage, Sam and his daughter Lucy love each other, and though Sam has mental capability’s he raises her with lots of love. Then Lucy goes to school and becomes smarter than Sam. So the government takes Lucy away from Sam. then the 2nd parts include Sam fighting hard to get her back. But through a lot of trouble Sam gives up. The 3rd part includes Sam coming back for the custody of his daughter, who is now in a foster home. But they want to adopt her because they are fully capable of taking care of her. But though Sam’s love bond with Lucy they realized how much they need each other


  1. Is Sam more capable than people think?

People always assume that Sam is incapable of many things, in this case, mainly raising a child. Through the story, people learn and see that Sam is not capable of teaching Lucy division and multiplication, but he is capable of loving her which is something you can’t get out of every father. Rita, the lawyer, is a bad parent, but they don’t try to take her kid away because she is politically capable even though her child is going to be a lot more affected with parents like that than Lucy is.


  1. What are the similarities of Rita and Sam?

Rita and Sam first meet at Rita’s office, and Sam is asking Rita for her help in court. But Rita knows Sam can’t afford to hire her so Rita tells him she can’t help him. Her friends say that she would not help him just because she’s greedy she decides to help him to raise her image. While helping Sam get his daughter back, Rita learns a lot from Sam and becomes a better parent herself. Sam and Rita don’t have a lot in common, but Sam is everything Rita wants to be, even if she doesn’t know it. So as Rita learns how to love and take the time to be with others because that’s what matters, not money.


  1. How did they use camera angles to influence the way the scenes affected you?

When Sam got a little scared or noxious, the camera started to shake a little bit, and zoom in and out. The camera turns blue when he’s feeling uncertain, and the color red is always in the setting, like dresses, paintings, umbrellas, hallways.


  1. Connections with this movie.

The only relations I have to this film are the book Sam reads to Lucy, which is Stelaluna. And the fact that I watched this movie when I was younger. I thought about the movie a lot since then and to see it all again in a more mature form opened my eyes to see things I did not realize the first time I watched it and to understand what Sam is going through a lot more than I did.